noslegal in a nutshell

  • we're developing simpler, more usable, more beneficial ways to classify legal work and related topics 

  • this isn't a legal research project - our focus is on use cases such as managing and reporting on legal work, and knowledge and experience relating to it

  • on 31 March 2022, we published v1.0 of a taxonomy - you can read about it in this LinkedIn post 

  • some minor updates followed in November 2022, and some major extensions (v2.0) in May 2023

  • you can download the taxonomy in Excel or JSON with detailed release notes and supporting slide decks from Github. Or browse them on Google Drive

  • it's permissive open source- meaning that you can copy, use, remix, and redistribute however you wish, without payment, hidden costs or traps

  • feedback, expressions of interest in our work, ideas for projects, are very welcome - contact us through this website

Sponsors and participants

noslegal is a voluntary, not-for-profit, independent organisation.

Participants in our work are currently from law firms, legal departments, software companies together with various professionals working in relevant fields. We're really grateful for everyone's time and efforts as we build things together for mutual and public benefit.

 We do have some modest operating expenses, including this website. The image above shows organisations who have kindly provided some financial sponsorship for 2024 / 25.

Last updated: May 2024

v 2.0 noslegal taxonomy published May 2023

noslegal phases project 

From 7th August to 30th September 2024 we are consulting on some draft phases and related information (key steps, work and outputs) for three types of legal work

  • Binding Dispute Resolution
  • Finance
  • Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Please take a look at the drafts (in spreadsheet form) and explanatory notes and let us know what you think on this Google Form.

Photo credit: Arnold Rodrigues on Unsplash

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read all about it

we've written some articles to introduce why we're doing this, what we've done and where we're going

want to find out more, or to become involved?

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